How to present

Instructions for Oral Presentation

  1. Time Allocation for Presentation

The time allocated for each presentation is as follows:

Session times include 5 minutes Q&A Session at the end.

Plenary Talk: 40 minutes (35 min. talk + 5 min for Q&A)

Invited Talk: 30 minutes (25 min. talk + 5 min for Q&A)

Contributed presentation: 20 minutes (15 min. talk + 5 min for Q&A)

  1. Data Submission

Oral presentations should be presented only by PC.

In principle, presenters are requested to bring their own laptop PC with presentation data saved inside.

Please check your PC at the lectern of the room where your session takes place, during the coffee break prior to the beginning of your presentation.

USB storage devices are admissible if PC could not be brought by any means. (In such cases, be sure to have your data converted to PDF file format as well as PPT.)

Please do bring your own PC if your presentation includes video data to avoid any possible incompatibility with the system environment.

For Mac users, please be sure to bring your own machine, adopter cables, and/or conversion plugs (i.e. for D-sub 15 pin).

Please appear at the Next Presenter's Seat at least 20 minutes prior to your presentation.

Instructions for Poster Presentation

  1. Poster size

Presenting authors of poster presentations must prepare A0-sized posters and bring them by themselves, and make sure to display the posters at the poster session hall, "Small Hall" on the 2nd floor of the venue on June 14 and 15.

Note: There will be NO print services in the venue.

A0 size: Width 841mm x Height 1189 mm

Presenting authors for odd-numbered posters should be present in front of their posters during 12:20-14:00 on June 14, while even-numbered posters, during 12:20-14:00 on June 15. Please use pushpins available in the poster session hall to attach posters. The session hall will be open for posting from 9:00 on June 14 and 15. During your presentation, please wear blue ribbon tag which will be provided for every presenter.

After the poster presentation on June 15, please remove your presentation materials by 16:00. The posters left behind will be disposed by the secretariat.

Note: Complimentary lunch snack will be served in the poster session hall at the lunch time on June 14 &15.

  1. Short Presentation

In addition, all poster presenters are requested to give Short Presentations scheduled right before Poster Session on June 14 and June 15, in Room 1.

Due to the limited time schedule of the program, each short presentation is 2 minutes, and only printed materials are allowed for the short presentation.

Please prepare your presentation materials printed on A4 paper, for Short Presentation session. The organizer will prepare a document imager in Room 1.

Short Presentations (2 minutes Oral presentation per each) .

11:20-12:20 on June 14 for Poster Session 1
11:20-12:20 on June 15 for Poster Session 2